Wednesday 25 June 2014

Cheddar Cheese Bread

I love cheese, so it's very natural that I will incorporate it in my bakes. Ever since I started baking bread using my Zoji breadmaker, I've been thinking of the different variations of bread to try out. This Cheddar Cheese Bread is a healthy loaf for breakfast!

Cheddar Cheese Bread
makes a small loaf (Depends on how thick you slice. I had about 8 slices)

170g milk (cold)
1 egg yolk (cold)
20g butter
2 tablespoon sugar
1 tsp salt
187g bread flour
50g top flour
13g wholemeal flour
2/3 cup cheddar cheese
1 tsp instant yeast
1/3 cup cheddar cheese (additional added when machine beeps)

1. Place all ingredients into the pan except 1/3 cup cheddar cheese based on the sequence listed above or by following your breadmaker manufacturers' instructions regarding the order of liquid/dry ingredients.
(I'm using Zojirushi breadmaker. I placed all the wet ingredients first, followed by the dry ingredients. Make a dent at the centre of the flour and pour the yeast in the dent last, making sure the yeast does not touch the liquid, sugar and salt. I will either add the butter together with the liquid or at the four corners of the pan on top of the flour.)

2. Make the mode selection for your breadmaker.
(For my Zojirushi breadmaker, I chose the 'soft' bread mode which takes 3 hours to complete.)

3. Press start and the machine will start kneading the dough after resting for 15 minutes.

4. When the machine beeps, add the remaining 1/3 cup cheddar cheese.
(For Zojirushi, it will beep near the end of the kneading cycle for adding these ingredients.)

5. Let the breadmaker do the rest.

6. When the bread is done, remove the bread from the pan immediately and let it cool completely on a wire rack before slicing.

As there is no added preservatives, the bread can only last for 2-3 days. Store in air-tight container.

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