Thursday 19 September 2019

Orange Cranberry Chiffon Cake

I'm trying to use up the bag of oranges at home and decided to bake another chiffon cake. This time, I added some cranberries to make an Orange Cranberry Chiffon Cake!

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Charcoal Sesame Snowskin Mooncake

Hubby wanted to have some sesame lotus mooncakes so I decided to make  a batch of Charcoal Sesame Snowskin Mooncakes. 

Thursday 1 August 2019

Chocolate Raisin Buns

I made a batch of these soft and fluffy pull-apart Chocolate Raisin Buns since we are running out of bread for breakfast.

Tuesday 30 July 2019

Yuzu Cheese Tart

I did a Yuzu Cheese Tart for a simple celebration using this Yuzu jam bought recently.

Monday 15 July 2019

Avocado Milkshake

My family was having a lazy Sunday out in town for lunch and then chanced upon this wonderful grocery shop that was selling these gorgeous power fruit - AVOCADO

I couldn't resist and bought some home and made ourselves some healthy AVOCADO MILKSHAKE with just 3 ingredients - Avocado, Milk and Honey.

Wednesday 26 June 2019

Crunchy Ovomaltine Pancake

Bought a bottle of Crunchy Ovomaltine spread from the supermarket and made Crunchy Ovomaltine Pancake out of it using the Peanut Pancake recipe I have always been using.

Friday 22 March 2019

Gula Melaka Kaya

I've used my Zojiroshi bread maker's 'Jam' function previously to make myself some Homemade Kaya. This time I've done another batch using gula melaka for that rustic flavour.

Thursday 21 February 2019

Homemade Peanut Butter

I have finally gotten to make my own peanut butter! I would never have imagined it could be so fast and easy to make this bread spread.

Tuesday 12 February 2019

Nian Gao Prata

I have some nian gao left from the Chinese New Year celebration and made this yummy snack with frozen pratas that I have in my fridge for tea-break.

Saturday 2 February 2019

Sesame Almond Florentine

I've always been using the recipe here and here to make Almond Crisps. This year,  I am using florentine premix bought from Phoon Huat to make this wonderfully addictive snack.

Monday 28 January 2019

Cranberry Shortbread Cookies

I wonder why I've not blogged on this shortbread cookie. Glad I'm finally doing so!

This is a wonderful recipe and a great make-ahead. You can prepare the dough in advance and keep it in the freezer. When you are ready or in need of a cookie fix, just take the dough out from the freezer, slice, bake, and're ready to serve hot-from-the-oven shortbread cookies!

Tuesday 22 January 2019

Piggy German Cookies

To usher in the year of the Pig this coming Lunar New Year, I am joining the bandwagon to make these cute melt-in-the-mouth Piggy German Cookies by adapting from the recipe here.

Wednesday 9 January 2019

Sesame Pumpkin Crisps

I've adapted the usual recipe that I use here and here and here to make Sesame Pumpkin Crips for this year's Chinese New Year since I've egg whites left from making pineapple tarts. 

Wednesday 2 January 2019

Melt-in-the-Mouth Oreo German Cookies

If you love Oreo and melt-in-the-mouth cookies, then you love this Melt-in-the-Mouth Oreo German Cookies. I call it the 'Biscuit in a Cookie'. Lol!


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